发货和收货¶ Inbound and outbound flows 路线和拉/推规则 One-step receipt and delivery Two-step receipt and delivery Three-step receipt Three-step delivery 上架规则 使用存储类别 在仓库中组织交叉码头 使用虚拟位置从多个仓库销售库存 寄售:购买和销售股票而无需拥有它 直接发货 交货订单 Third-party shipping carriers Print shipping labels Bpost integration DHL integration FedEx integration Sendcloud integration Starshipit shipping UPS integration Zebra label configuration 如何取消向承运人的发货请求? 运输成本开票 更改运输标签尺寸 多包裹运输 Printable delivery PDFs Dispatch management system Reservation methods At confirmation reservation Manual reservation Before scheduled date reservation Picking methods 批量计费 处理拣货 处理波次调拨 Removal strategies FIFO removal LIFO removal FEFO removal Closest location removal Least packages removal Edit on GitHub