
本文档描述了在生产环境或互联网服务器上设置Odoo的基本步骤。它遵循 安装 ,对于未在互联网上公开的开发系统通常不需要。


如果您正在设置公共服务器,请务必查看我们的 安全性 建议!





这是 --db-filter 的一个目的:它指定了如何根据请求的主机名(域名)选择数据库。值是一个 正则表达式,可能包括动态注入的主机名(%h)或通过系统访问的第一个子域(%d)。

For servers hosting multiple databases in production, especially if website is used, dbfilter must be set, otherwise a number of features will not work correctly.


  • 仅显示名称以’mycompany’开头的数据库

配置文件 中设置:

dbfilter = ^mycompany.*$
  • 只显示与 www 后的第一个子域名匹配的数据库:例如,如果传入请求发送到 www.mycompany.commycompany.co.uk,则会显示数据库 “mycompany”,但不会显示 www2.mycompany.comhelpdesk.mycompany.com

配置文件 中设置:

dbfilter = ^%d$


设置正确的 --db-filter 是保护您的部署的重要部分。一旦它正确工作并且只匹配每个主机名的单个数据库,强烈建议阻止访问数据库管理屏幕,并使用 --no-database-list 启动参数防止列出您的数据库,并阻止访问数据库管理屏幕。另请参阅 security



UNIX socket is fine if you want Odoo and PostgreSQL to execute on the same machine, and is the default when no host is provided, but if you want Odoo and PostgreSQL to execute on different machines 1 it will need to listen to network interfaces 2, either:

  • 只接受回环连接并在Odoo运行的机器和PostgreSQL运行的机器之间 使用SSH隧道 _,然后配置Odoo连接到隧道的末端

  • 接受连接到安装了Odoo的机器上,可能通过ssl连接(详见 PostgreSQL连接设置 ),然后配置Odoo以通过网络连接


  • 允许本地主机上的 TCP 连接

  • 允许来自192.168.1.x网络的TCP连接

/etc/postgresql/<YOUR POSTGRESQL VERSION>/main/pg_hba.conf 中设置:

# IPv4 local connections:
host    all             all               md5
host    all             all             md5

in /etc/postgresql/<YOUR POSTGRESQL VERSION>/main/postgresql.conf 设置:

listen_addresses = 'localhost,'
port = 5432
max_connections = 80


开箱即用,Odoo通过端口5432连接到本地的UNIX套接字上的postgres。当您的Postgres部署不是本地的和/或不使用安装默认值时,可以使用 数据库选项 来覆盖此设置。

The packaged installers will automatically create a new user (odoo) and set it as the database user.

  • 数据库管理界面受 admin_passwd 设置的保护。此设置只能使用配置文件设置,并在执行数据库更改之前进行简单检查。应将其设置为随机生成的值,以确保第三方无法使用此界面。

  • 所有数据库操作都使用 数据库选项,包括数据库管理 屏幕。要使数据库管理屏幕正常工作,需要 PostgreSQL 用户具有 createdb 权限。

  • 用户可以随时删除自己拥有的数据库。为了使数据库管理界面完全无法使用,需要创建具有 no-createdb 权限的PostgreSQL用户,并且数据库必须由不同的PostgreSQL用户拥有。


    PostgreSQL用户 不能 是超级用户


  • 连接到位于192.168.1.2的PostgreSQL服务器

  • 端口 5432

  • 使用 ‘odoo’ 用户账户,

  • 使用’pwd’作为密码

  • 仅筛选名称以’mycompany’开头的数据库

配置文件 中设置:

admin_passwd = mysupersecretpassword
db_host =
db_port = 5432
db_user = odoo
db_password = pwd
dbfilter = ^mycompany.*$


自Odoo 11.0版本开始,您可以在Odoo和PostgreSQL之间强制使用SSL连接。在Odoo中,db_sslmode控制连接的SSL安全性,可选值为’disable’、’allow’、’prefer’、’require’、’verify-ca’或’verify-full’

PostgreSQL Doc


Odoo 包含内置的 HTTP 服务器,可以使用多线程或多进程。

The multi-threaded server is a simpler server primarily used for development, demonstrations, and its compatibility with various operating systems (including Windows). A new thread is spawned for every new HTTP request, even for long-lived connections such as websocket. Extra daemonic cron threads are spawned too. Due to a Python limitation (GIL), it doesn’t make the best use of the hardware.

The multi-threaded server is the default server, also for docker containers. It is selected by leaving the --workers option out or setting it to 0.

The multi-processing server is a full-blown server primarily used for production. It is not liable to the same Python limitation (GIL) on resource usage and hence makes the best use of the hardware. A pool of workers is created upon server startup. New HTTP requests are queued by the OS until there are workers ready to process them. An extra event-driven HTTP worker for the live chat is spawned on an alternative port. Extra cron workers are spawned too. A configurable process reaper monitors resource usage and can kill/restart failed workers.

The multi-processing server is opt-in. It is selected by setting the --workers option to a non-null integer.


Because it is highly customized for Linux servers, the multi-processing server is not available on Windows.


  • 经验法则:(#CPU * 2) + 1

  • Cron工作进程需要CPU

  • 1个工作进程 ~= 6个并发用户


  • 我们认为20%的请求是重型请求,而80%的请求是较简单的请求

  • 当所有计算字段和 SQL 请求都设计良好时,一个繁重的工作进程预计会消耗约 1GB 的 RAM。

  • 在相同的场景中,一个轻量级的工作进程预计会消耗大约150MB的内存。

所需内存 = #worker * ( (轻型工作进程比率 * 轻型工作进程内存估算) + (重型工作进程比率 * 重型工作进程内存估算) )


In multi-processing, a dedicated LiveChat worker is automatically started and listens on the --gevent-port. By default, the HTTP requests will keep accessing the normal HTTP workers instead of the LiveChat one. You must deploy a proxy in front of Odoo and redirect incoming requests whose path starts with /websocket/ to the LiveChat worker. You must also start Odoo in --proxy-mode so it uses the real client headers (such as hostname, scheme, and IP) instead of the proxy ones.


  • 带有4个CPU和8个线程的服务器

  • 60个并发用户

  • 60个用户 / 6 = 10 <- 理论上需要的工作人员数量

  • (4 * 2) + 1 = 9 <- 理论上的最大工作人数

  • 我们将使用8个工作进程+1个cron。我们还将使用监控系统来测量CPU负载,并检查它是否在7到7.5之间。

  • RAM = 9 * ((0.8*150) + (0.2*1024)) ~= 3Go RAM for Odoo

配置文件 中:

limit_memory_hard = 1677721600
limit_memory_soft = 629145600
limit_request = 8192
limit_time_cpu = 600
limit_time_real = 1200
max_cron_threads = 1
workers = 8



  • 启用Odoo的 代理模式 。这只应在Odoo位于反向代理后启用

  • 设置SSL终止代理 (Nginx终止示例)

  • 设置代理本身 (Nginx 代理示例)

  • 您的 SSL 终止代理应该自动将非安全连接重定向到安全端口


  • 将http请求重定向到https

  • 代理请求到Odoo

配置文件 中设置:

proxy_mode = True

/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/odoo.conf 中设置:

#odoo server
upstream odoo {
upstream odoochat {
map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade {
  default upgrade;
  ''      close;

# http -> https
server {
  listen 80;
  server_name odoo.mycompany.com;
  rewrite ^(.*) https://$host$1 permanent;

server {
  listen 443 ssl;
  server_name odoo.mycompany.com;
  proxy_read_timeout 720s;
  proxy_connect_timeout 720s;
  proxy_send_timeout 720s;

  # SSL parameters
  ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/nginx/server.crt;
  ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/nginx/server.key;
  ssl_session_timeout 30m;
  ssl_protocols TLSv1.2;
  ssl_prefer_server_ciphers off;

  # log
  access_log /var/log/nginx/odoo.access.log;
  error_log /var/log/nginx/odoo.error.log;

  # Redirect websocket requests to odoo gevent port
  location /websocket {
    proxy_pass http://odoochat;
    proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
    proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $http_host;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;

    add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains";
    proxy_cookie_flags session_id samesite=lax secure;  # requires nginx 1.19.8

  # Redirect requests to odoo backend server
  location / {
    # Add Headers for odoo proxy mode
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $http_host;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
    proxy_redirect off;
    proxy_pass http://odoo;

    add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains";
    proxy_cookie_flags session_id samesite=lax secure;  # requires nginx 1.19.8

  # common gzip
  gzip_types text/css text/scss text/plain text/xml application/xml application/json application/javascript;
  gzip on;

HTTPS Hardening

Add the Strict-Transport-Security header to all requests, in order to prevent browsers from ever sending a plain HTTP request to this domain. You will need to maintain a working HTTPS service with a valid certificate on this domain at all times, otherwise your users will see security alerts or be entirely unable to access it.

Force HTTPS connections during a year for every visitor in NGINX with the line:

add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains";

Additional configuration can be defined for the session_id cookie. The Secure flag can be added to ensure it is never transmitted over HTTP and SameSite=Lax to prevent authenticated CSRF.

# requires nginx 1.19.8
proxy_cookie_flags session_id samesite=lax secure;


也可以将Odoo作为标准的WSGI_应用程序进行挂载。Odoo提供了一个WSGI启动脚本的基础,名为 odoo-wsgi.example.py 。该脚本应该被定制化(可能需要从设置目录中复制),以便直接在 odoo.tools.config 中正确设置配置,而不是通过命令行或配置文件。



Starting one of the built-in Odoo servers next to the WSGI server is required to process cron jobs. That server must be configured to only process crons and not HTTP requests using the --no-http cli option or the http_enable = False configuration file setting.

On Linux-like systems, using the multi-processing server over the multi-threading one is recommended to benefit from better hardware usage and increased stability, i.e., using the --workers=-1 and --max-cron-threads=n cli options.


Using a gevent-compatible WSGI server is required for the correct operation of the live chat feature. That server should be able to handle many simultaneous long-lived connections but doesn’t need a lot of processing power. All requests whose path starts with /websocket/ should be directed to that server. A regular (thread/process-based) WSGI server should be used for all other requests.

The Odoo cron server can also be used to serve the live chat requests. Just drop the --no-http cli option from the cron server and make sure requests whose path starts with /websocket/ are directed to this server, either on the --http-port (multi-threading server) or on the --gevent-port (multi-processing server).




Odoo静态文件位于每个模块的 static/ 文件夹中,因此可以通过拦截所有请求到 /MODULE/static/FILE 来提供静态文件,并在各个插件路径中查找正确的模块(和文件)。

It is recommended to set the Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'none' header on all images delivered by the web server. It is not strictly necessary as users cannot modify/inject content inside of modules’ static/ folder and existing images are final (they do not fetch new resources by themselves). However, it is good practice.

Using the above NGINX (https) configuration, the following map and location blocks should be added to serve static files via NGINX.

map $sent_http_content_type $content_type_csp {
    default "";
    ~image/ "default-src 'none'";

server {
    # the rest of the configuration

    location @odoo {
        # copy-paste the content of the / location block

    # Serve static files right away
    location ~ ^/[^/]+/static/.+$ {
        # root and try_files both depend on your addons paths
        root ...;
        try_files ... @odoo;
        expires 24h;
        add_header Content-Security-Policy $content_type_csp;

The actual root and try_files directives are dependant on your installation, specifically on your --addons-path.


Say Odoo has been installed via the debian packages for Community and Enterprise, and that the --addons-path is '/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/odoo/addons'.

The root and try_files should be:

root /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/odoo/addons;
try_files $uri @odoo;



无论如何,一旦文件被定位并且访问权限由Odoo验证通过,使用静态Web服务器而不是Odoo来提供文件是个好主意。为了让Odoo将文件服务委托给静态Web服务器,必须在静态Web服务器上启用和配置 X-Sendfile <https://tn123.org/mod_xsendfile/> _(apache)或 X-Accel <https://www.nginx.com/resources/wiki/start/topics/examples/x-accel/> _(nginx)扩展。设置完成后,使用 --x-sendfile 命令行标志启动Odoo(此唯一标志同时用于X-Sendfile和X-Accel)。


  • Apache(和兼容的Web服务器)的X-Sendfile扩展不需要任何补充配置。

  • NGINX 的 X-Accel 扩展 确实 需要以下额外配置:

    location /web/filestore {
        alias /path/to/odoo/data-dir/filestore;

    如果您不知道文件存储的路径,请使用 --x-sendfile 选项启动 Odoo,并直接通过 Odoo 导航到 /web/filestore URL(不要通过 NGINX 导航到该 URL)。这将记录一个警告,其中包含您需要的配置信息。





  • 始终设置一个强大的超级管理员密码,并在系统设置完成后立即限制对数据库管理页面的访问。请参阅 数据库管理器安全性

  • 为所有数据库的所有管理员账户选择唯一的登录名和强密码。不要使用 ‘admin’ 作为登录名。不要将这些登录名用于日常操作,仅用于控制/管理安装。 永远不要 使用任何默认密码,如 admin/admin,即使是用于测试/暂存数据库。

  • Do not install demo data on internet-facing servers. Databases with demo data contain default logins and passwords that can be used to get into your systems and cause significant trouble, even on staging/dev systems.

  • Use appropriate database filters ( --db-filter) to restrict the visibility of your databases according to the hostname. See 数据库过滤器. You may also use -d to provide your own (comma-separated) list of available databases to filter from, instead of letting the system fetch them all from the database backend.

  • Once your db_name and dbfilter are configured and only match a single database per hostname, you should set list_db configuration option to False, to prevent listing databases entirely, and to block access to the database management screens (this is also exposed as the --no-database-list command-line option)

  • 确保 PostgreSQL 用户 (--db_user) 不是 超级用户,并且您的数据库由不同的用户拥有。例如,如果您使用专用的非特权 db_user,它们可以由 postgres 超级用户拥有。另请参阅 配置Odoo

  • 定期安装最新版本的构建,可以通过GitHub或从https://www.odoo.com/page/download或http://nightly.odoo.com下载最新版本来保持安装程序更新。

  • 将服务器配置为多进程模式,并设置适合您典型使用情况的限制(内存/CPU/超时)。另请参阅: 内置服务器

  • 在一个提供有效SSL证书的Web服务器后面运行Odoo,以防止窃听明文通信。SSL证书价格便宜,并且有很多免费选项。配置Web代理以限制请求大小,设置适当的超时时间,然后启用 代理模式 选项。另请参阅 HTTPS

  • 如果您需要允许远程SSH访问您的服务器,请确保为 所有 帐户设置强密码,而不仅仅是 root 。强烈建议完全禁用基于密码的身份验证,仅允许公钥身份验证。还要考虑通过VPN限制访问,仅允许防火墙中的受信任IP,和/或运行类似 fail2ban 或等效的暴力破解检测系统。

  • 考虑在您的代理或防火墙上安装适当的速率限制,以防止暴力攻击和拒绝服务攻击。另请参阅 阻止暴力攻击 以获取具体措施。


  • 如果可能的话,请将公共演示/测试/暂存实例托管在与生产实例不同的机器上。并采取与生产相同的安全预防措施。

  • 如果您的公共面向的Odoo服务器可以访问敏感的内部网络资源或服务(例如通过私有VLAN),请实施适当的防火墙规则来保护这些内部资源。这将确保Odoo服务器不能被意外使用(或由于恶意用户行为)来访问或干扰这些内部资源。通常可以通过在防火墙上应用出站默认拒绝规则,然后仅明确授权Odoo服务器需要访问的内部资源来实现。 Systemd IP流量访问控制<http://0pointer.net/blog/ip-accounting-and-access-lists-with-systemd.html> _也可能对实施基于进程的网络访问控制有用。

  • 如果您的公共Odoo服务器位于Web应用程序防火墙、负载均衡器、透明DDoS保护服务(如CloudFlare)或类似的网络级设备后面,您可能希望避免直接访问Odoo系统。通常很难保持Odoo服务器的终端IP地址的机密性。例如,当从Odoo查询公共系统或发布电子邮件时,它们可能出现在Web服务器日志中或邮件头中。在这种情况下,您可能希望配置防火墙,使终端点除了来自WAF、负载均衡器或代理服务的特定IP地址外,不可公开访问。像CloudFlare这样的服务提供商通常为此维护其IP地址范围的公共列表。

  • 如果您正在托管多个客户,请使用容器或适当的“监狱”技术将客户数据和文件彼此隔离。

  • 设置每日备份数据库和文件存储数据,并将其复制到远程归档服务器,该服务器无法从服务器本身访问。

  • Deploying Odoo on Linux is strongly recommended over Windows. Should you choose nevertheless to deploy on a Windows platform, a thorough security hardening review of the server should be conducted and is outside of the scope of this guide.





2018-07-05 14:56:31,506 24849 INFO db_name odoo.addons.base.res.res_users: Login failed for db:db_name login:admin from


2018-07-05 14:56:31,506 24849 INFO db_name odoo.addons.base.res.res_users: Login successful for db:db_name login:admin from

这些日志可以轻松地通过入侵防御系统(如 fail2ban)进行分析。

例如,以下 fail2ban 过滤器定义应该匹配一个失败的登录:

failregex = ^ \d+ INFO \S+ \S+ Login failed for db:\S+ login:\S+ from <HOST>
ignoreregex =


当在1分钟内检测到来自同一IP的10次登录尝试失败时,以下是阻止该IP 15分钟的示例:

enabled = true
port = http,https
bantime = 900  ; 15 min ban
maxretry = 10  ; if 10 attempts
findtime = 60  ; within 1 min  /!\ Should be adjusted with the TZ offset
logpath = /var/log/odoo.log  ;  set the actual odoo log path here


配置Odoo 中提到了 admin_passwd


如果完全不能访问管理界面,您应该将 list_db 配置选项设置为 False,以阻止访问所有数据库选择和管理界面。




Be sure to setup an appropriate db_name parameter (and optionally, dbfilter too) so that the system can determine the target database for each request, otherwise users will be blocked as they won’t be allowed to choose the database themselves.

如果管理界面只能从一组选定的机器访问,请使用代理服务器的功能来阻止访问所有以 /web/database 开头的路由,除了(也许)显示数据库选择界面的 /web/database/selector

如果要保留数据库管理界面的访问权限,则必须更改 admin_passwd 设置,以避免使用默认的 admin 密码。在允许数据库更改操作之前,将检查此密码。


$ python3 -c 'import base64, os; print(base64.b64encode(os.urandom(24)))'

which generates a 32-character pseudorandom printable string.

Reset the master password

There may be instances where the master password is misplaced, or compromised, and needs to be reset. The following process is for system administrators of an Odoo on-premise database detailing how to manually reset and re-encrypt the master password.


For more information about changing an Odoo.com account password, see this documentation: Odoo.com account password change.

When creating a new on-premise database, a random master password is generated. Odoo recommends using this password to secure the database. This password is implemented by default, so there is a secure master password for any Odoo on-premise deployment.


When creating an Odoo on-premise database the installation is accessible to anyone on the internet, until this password is set to secure the database.

The master password is specified in the Odoo configuration file (odoo.conf or odoorc (hidden file)). The Odoo master password is needed to modify, create, or delete a database through the graphical user interface (GUI).

Locate configuration file

First, open the Odoo configuration file (odoo.conf or odoorc (hidden file)).

The configuration file is located at: c:\ProgramFiles\Odoo{VERSION}\server\odoo.conf

Change old password

Once the appropriate file has been opened, proceed to modify the old password in the configuration file to a temporary password.

After locating the configuration file, open it using a (GUI). This can be achieved by simply double clicking on the file. Then, the device should have a default GUI to open the file with.

Next, modify the master password line admin_passwd = $pbkdf2-sha… to admin_passwd = newpassword1234, for example. This password can be anything, as long as it is saved temporarily. Make sure to modify all characters after the =.


The line appears like this: admin_passwd = $pbkdf2-sh39dji295.59mptrfW.9z6HkA$w9j9AMVmKAP17OosCqDxDv2hjsvzlLpF8Rra8I7p/b573hji540mk/.3ek0lg%kvkol6k983mkf/40fjki79m

The modified line appears like this: admin_passwd = newpassword1234


It is essential that the password is changed to something else, rather than triggering a new password reset by adding a semicolon ; at the beginning of the line. This ensures the database is secure throughout the entire password reset process.

Restart Odoo server

After setting the temporary password, a restart of the Odoo server is required.

To restart the Odoo server, first, type services into the Windows Search bar. Then, select the Services application, and scroll down to the Odoo service.

Next, right click on Odoo, and select Start or Restart. This action manually restarts the Odoo server.

Use web interface to re-encrypt password

First, navigate to /web/database/manager or http://server_ip:port/web/database/manager in a browser.


Replace server_ip with the IP address of the database. Replace port with the numbered port the database is accessible from.

Next, click Set Master Password, and type in the previously-selected temporary password into the Master Password field. Following this step, type in a New Master Password. The New Master Password is hashed (or encrypted), once the Continue button is clicked.

At this point, the password has been successfully reset, and a hashed version of the new password now appears in the configuration file.


For more information on Odoo database security, see this documentation: 数据库管理器安全性.




  • 谷歌浏览器

  • Mozilla Firefox

  • 微软 Edge

  • 苹果Safari




自Odoo 13.0起,支持ES6。因此,不再支持IE。




技术上,可以使用类似 socat 的工具将 UNIX 套接字代理到网络上,但这主要是针对只能在 UNIX 套接字上使用的软件


或者只能通过内部分组交换网络访问,但这需要安全交换机、防止 ARP 欺骗 并且不允许使用 WiFi。即使在安全的分组交换网络上,也建议使用 HTTPS 进行部署,这样可以降低成本,因为在受控环境中部署“自签名”证书比在互联网上更容易。