

安装 UK - AccountingUK - Accounting Reports 模块以获取所有的 UK 本地化功能。




英国 - 会计


  • CT600准备好的账户图表

  • 准备好的VAT100税务结构

  • Infologic英国县列表

英国 - 会计报告


  • 英国的会计报告

  • 允许通过 MTD-VAT API 向 HMRC 发送税务报告。

UK BACS Payment Files


Allows generating Bacs files for bill and invoice payments


  • 只有英国本土公司才能向HMRC提交报告。

  • 安装模块 UK - 会计报告 会同时安装这两个模块。


英国的账户图表包含在 UK - Accounting 模块中。前往 会计 ‣ 配置 ‣ 账户:账户图表 来访问它。

通过转到 会计 ‣ 配置 ‣ 设置 ‣ 会计导入部分,选择 手动审核导入(推荐) 来设置你的 CoA(科目表) 和初始余额。



前往 会计 ‣ 配置 ‣ 设置 ‣ 税 以更新 默认税, 税务申报周期 或者 配置您的税务账户.

要编辑现有税项或 创建 新税项,请转到 会计 ‣ 配置 ‣ 会计:税项


数字化纳税 (MTD)


The UK - Accounting Reports module enables you to comply with the HM Revenue & Customs requirements regarding Making Tax Digital.




转到 会计 ‣ 报告 ‣ 税务报告 并点击 连接到HMRC。在HMRC平台上输入您的公司信息。您只需要执行一次。


导入您的HMRC义务,按您要提交的期间进行筛选,并通过点击 发送给HMRC 发送您的税务报告。


You can use dummy credentials to demo the HMRC flow. To do so, activate the developer mode and go to General Settings ‣ Technical ‣ System Parameters. From here, search for l10n_uk_reports.hmrc_mode and change the value line to demo. You can get such credentials from the HMRC Developer Hub.



  1. 登录需要提交的公司。

  2. 转到 常规设置,在 用户 部分,点击 管理用户。选择与 HMRC 连接的用户。

  3. 转到 UK HMRC Integration 选项卡,然后点击 Reset Authentication CredentialsRemove Authentication Credentials 按钮。

  4. 您现在可以 向HMRC注册您的公司 并为该公司提交税务报告。

  5. 重复步骤以提交其他公司的HMRC申报。


在此过程中, 连接到HMRC 按钮不再对其他总部位于英国的公司显示。

Bacs files

Bacs files are electronic files used in the UK to process payments and transfers between bank accounts.

To enable the use of Bacs files, make sure the UK BACS Payment Files module is installed, then:

  1. Configure your Bacs Service User Number:

    1. Go to Accounting ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings and scroll down to the Customer Payments section.

    2. Enter your Service User Number under BACS and manually save.

  2. Configure your bank journal:

    1. Go to Accounting ‣ Configuration ‣ Journals and select your bank journal.

    2. In the Journal Entries tab, configure the Account Number and Bank fields.

    3. In the Incoming Payments and Outgoing Payments tabs, make sure the BACS Direct Debit payment method is enabled.

  3. Configure the contacts for whom you wish to use Bacs files: Access the contact form and, in the Accounting tab, click Add a line and fill in the Account Number and Bank fields.

Bill payments

To generate Bacs files for bill payments, set the Payment Method to BACS Direct Debit when registering vendor payments.

Then, create a vendor batch payment:

  1. Go to Accounting ‣ Vendors ‣ Batch Payments, and click New.

  2. Select the bank journal in the Bank field, set the Payment Method to BACS Direct Credit, and select a BACS Processing Date.

  3. Optionally, you can also:

    • select a BACS Expiry Date;

    • enable BACS Multi Mode to process the payments on their individual date.

  4. Click Add a line, select the payments you want to include, click Select, then Validate.

Once validated, the Bacs file is available in the chatter. You can also Re-generate Export File if you need a new Bacs file for that batch payment.

Vendor Batch Payment view with generated BACS file.

Invoice payments

Before generating Bacs files for invoice payments, you must first create a BACS Direct Debit Instruction: Go to Accounting ‣ Customers ‣ BACS Direct Debit Instructions and click New. Select a Customer, their IBAN, and the Journal you wish to use.

To generate Bacs files for invoice payments, set the Payment Method to BACS Direct Debit when registering invoice payments.


If you register the payment for an invoice linked to a subscription or via Accounting ‣ Customers ‣ Payments, you can select the BACS Payment Type:

  • Direct debit-first collection of a series;

  • Direct debit single collection;

  • Direct debit repeating collection in a series;

  • Direct debit-final collection of a series.

Then, create a customer batch payment:

  1. Go to Accounting ‣ Customers ‣ Batch Payments, and click New.

  2. Select the bank journal in the Bank field, set the Payment Method to BACS Direct Credit, and select a BACS Processing Date.

  3. Optionally, you can also:

    • select a BACS Expiry Date;

    • enable BACS Multi Mode to process the payments on their individual date.

  4. Click Add a line, select the payments you want to include, click Select, then Validate.

Once validated, the Bacs file is available in the chatter. You can also Re-generate Export File if you need a new Bacs file for that batch payment.

Employment Hero payroll

If your business is already up and running with Employment Hero, you can use our connector as an alternative payroll solution.


To configure the Employment Hero API for United Kingdom, use the following value as Payroll URL: https://api.yourpayroll.co.uk/.