
The reporting function in the Referrals app helps recruiters and managers learn where applicants are applying from, when referred by a current employee. Additionally, the reporting feature shows the number of applicants hired, refused, and still in the recruitment pipeline, for each medium.


Only users with Administrator rights for the Recruitment app have access to the reporting feature in the Referrals app.

Employees referral analysis report

To access the Employees Referral Analysis report, navigate to Referrals app ‣ Reporting. This loads the Employees Referral Analysis report, in a default Bar Chart.

The graph is presented in a Stacked view, with the number of referrals on the y-axis, and the source, referred to as the Medium, of the applicant (e.g.: Facebook, LinkedIn, Email, etc.) on the x-axis. If a medium does not appear on the report, that indicates there are no referrals from that particular medium.

Referral amounts for all stages are displayed, including Not Hired (refused), In Progress, and Hired. The default filter is set to the current month.

Hover over any bar to view a popover containing specific data for that particular bar.

In this view, it is easy to see which Medium is the most successful.


In this example, both Email and LinkedIn are the mediums with the most referrals, but Email has the most referrals that were hired.

The default report in the Referrals app.

Use case: hired referrals

One way to use the reporting feature is to assess which employees are referring the highest quality applicants. This is done by examining how many of their referrals go on to become employees.

In this example, data is examined to determined which employee has the highest number of hired referrals for the current year.

To view this information, first click the (Pivot) icon in the upper-right corner. Next, remove the current filter in the search bar.

Click the (down arrow) in the search bar to reveal a drop-down menu. Click Date in the Filters column, revealing a drop-down menu of available time periods, and click the current year (in this example, 2024).

Next, click Measures , then deselect Earned Points and Employee Referral Refused to hide those metrics. Click anywhere on the screen to close the drop-down menu.

The information displayed shows how many total applicants each employee referred, and how many of those applicants were hired, for the current year.

In this example, it can be determined that Bob Wilson is the most successful referrer, with three hired referrals, and nine total referred applicants. Additionally, Mitchell Admin has the lowest performance in terms of referrals, as he has only one applicant, and no hires.

This information can be helpful to the recruitment team, so they can determine the most active referrers in the company, and who is the most successful in terms of hires.

The customized report showing which employees have the most referrals and hires.


The pivot table can be inserted into a new or existing spreadsheet, if desired.

To do so, click the Insert in Spreadsheet button right above the chart. A pop-up window appears, asking which spreadsheet to insert the pivot chart into. Select the desired spreadsheet or dashboard from the presented options. Alternatively, select Blank Spreadsheet to create a new one.

Click Confirm, and the selected spreadsheet loads, with the new table in it.

The spreadsheet is stored in the Documents application. This application must be installed to use the Insert in Spreadsheet option.