
在Odoo中,我们可以 手动自动 注册供应商账单,而 应付账龄报告 则提供了所有未付账单的概览,帮助我们按时支付正确的金额。



通过转到 会计 ‣ 供应商 ‣ 账单 并点击 创建,手动创建供应商账单。


Vendor bills can be automatically created by sending an email to an email alias associated with the purchase journal, or by uploading a PDF in Accounting ‣ Vendors ‣ Bills and then clicking Upload.



  • 供应商: Odoo 根据供应商的注册信息、之前的采购订单或账单自动填充一些信息。

  • Bill Reference: add the sales order reference provided by the vendor and is used to do the matching when you receive the products.

  • Auto-Complete: select a past bill/purchase order to automatically complete the document. The Vendor field should be completed prior to completing this field.

  • 账单日期:是文档的发行日期。

  • 会计日期: 是文档在您的会计中注册的日期。

  • 付款参考: 在注册付款时,它会自动显示在 备注 字段中。

  • 收款银行: 用于指示付款应该转入的账号。

  • 到期日付款条件 来支付账单。

  • 账簿:选择应将账单记录在哪个账簿中以及 货币



  • Bills can be digitized for automatic completion by clicking Send for Digitization.

  • 如果您上传了账单,PDF文档将显示在屏幕右侧,方便您填写账单信息。


点击 确认 当文档完成后。您的文档状态将变为 已发布,并且会根据发票上的配置生成一个日记账分录。


一旦确认,将无法再更新。如果需要更改,请点击 重置为草稿


Upon payment of the vendor bill, click on Register Payment to open a new payment window.

Select the Journal, the Payment Method, the Amount you wish to pay (full or partial payment), and the Currency. In the case of a partial payment (when the Amount paid is less than the total remaining amount on the vendor bill), the Payment Difference field displays the outstanding balance. You have two options:

  • Keep open: to keep the bill open and mark it with a Partial banner;

  • Mark as fully paid: In this case, select an account in the Post Difference In field and change the Label if needed. A journal entry will be created to balance the account receivable with the selected account.

register a partial payment

The Memo field is filled automatically if the Payment Reference has been set correctly in the vendor bill. If the field is empty, select the vendor invoice number as a reference.

一旦确认,账单上会出现一个 In Payment 横幅,直到它被 reconciled


要获取供应商未付账单及其相关到期日期的概览,您可以使用 应付账款报告。转到 会计 ‣ 报告 ‣ 合作伙伴报告: 应付账款



  • 通过点击 保存 按钮,您可以将屏幕上的信息导出为 PDF 或 XLSX 文件,并保存在您选择的文件夹中。

  • 如果您的供应商处于缺货状态并在发货时向您发送发票,或者如果您的供应商发送部分账单或要求付款,您可能会收到同一采购订单的多个账单。