人力资源¶ 考勤记录 访问权限 审批人 配置 Modes Extra hours 概览 视图 Filters and groups 过滤器 用户组 Attendance log details Main details Check in/check out details Errors 报告 Check in and out Check in Check out Kiosks 配置 Kiosk Mode section Kiosk Settings section Kiosk mode Check in and out with a kiosk 徽章 RFID 手动 个人识别号码 PIN Confirmation message 硬件 Kiosk devices 徽章 条码扫描仪 RFID钥匙扣读卡器 员工 New employees 一般信息 必填字段 可选字段 附加信息选项卡 简历选项卡 简历 技能 Skill types 工作信息选项卡 私人信息选项卡 人力资源设置选项卡 文档 部门 Create new departments Departments dashboard 看板视图 列表视图 Hierarchy view 认证 View certifications View certifications by expiration status Log a certification Offboarding Archive an employee Send HR documents access link Employee retention report Employee retention rate comparison report 评估 配置 设置 Feedback templates 评估 Appraisals plans 360 feedback Evaluation scale 360 feedback New appraisals Appraisals dashboard Create an appraisal Ask for feedback Appraisal form Employee’s feedback Manager’s feedback Skills tab Private Note tab Schedule a meeting Complete an appraisal 目标 New goal Completed goals Appraisal analysis Group by status Use case: view only the user’s appraisals Skills evolution Skills evolution report Use case: Identify employees with specific skills Use case: Assess highest improvement Frontdesk 配置 Stations 选项卡 Side Message tab 饮料 Station dashboard Kiosk setup 报告 访客 Visitor list Planned visitors Visitor flow Visitor check in 饮料 通知 Check out 车队 设置 合同结束日期提醒 New Vehicle Request 制造商 Add a manufacturer Vehicle models Preconfigured models 添加新员工 工作信息选项卡 Model section Salary section 发动机 Vendors tab Model category 添加新员工 New vehicles Vehicle form fields Driver section Create a new driver 一般信息 Contacts & Addresses tab Sales & Purchase tab Sales section 其他 Internal Notes tab Vehicle section Tax Info tab 税务 合同 Model tab Note tab 服务 Create service records Create service type Create vendor 一般信息 Contacts & Addresses tab Sales & Purchase tab 销售 其他 Internal Notes tab List of services View services 列表视图 Add a service 看板视图 Schedule activities Add a service 图形视图 透视图 Activity view 安排活动 Accidents 结构 Log accidents and repairs Service stages Service record 看板视图 Accident reporting Services dashboard Reporting dashboard Manage accident repairs 工资单 设置 会计 Localizations Time off 工资单 合同 模板 Salary information tab Pre-tax benefits and post-tax deductions Employment types 工作条目 工作条目类型 新的工作条目类型 一般信息 Display in payslip section Unpaid section Valid for advantages section Time off options section Reporting section 工作时间 新的工作时间 薪资 结构类型 新的结构类型框。 New default working hours 结构 规则 Top section 常规视图 条件 计算 Company contribution 描述选项卡 Accounting tab 规则参数 其他输入类型 薪资套餐配置器 Benefits 一般信息 Display section Activity section Sign section 描述选项卡 个人信息 简历 职位 Job positions 合同 New contract form 一般信息 Contract Details tab Sign section Accounting section Part Time section Notes section Modify a contract template Modifying contract templates 一般信息 Personal documents Save and send the contract Salary attachments 工作条目 Add a new work entry 冲突 Time off conflicts Resolve on work entry Resolve on time off request 工作条目 Generating payslips Printing payslips Time off to report Defer multiple time off entries Defer individual time off entries Salary attachments Salary attachment types Create new salary attachment types Create a salary attachment Manage salary attachments Completed salary attachments Cancel salary attachments 工资单 支付 Create a new payslip Payslip form Worked days & inputs tab Salary computation tab Other info tab Process the new payslip All payslips 批次 创建一个新的输入类型。 Process a batch Generate warrant payslips 报告 Default reports 工资单 折线图 柱状图 饼图 Pivot table 过滤器 Work entry analysis Work entry analysis comparison Use case: overtime report comparison Salary attachment report Compare to previous year 休假 配置 Time off types Create time off type Time Off Requests section Allocation Requests section Configuration section Negative Cap section 工资单 Timesheets section Display Option section Accrual plans Create accrual plan 规则 Public holidays Create public holiday Mandatory days Create mandatory days 概览 报告 员工 按类型 分配 Allocate time off Request allocation Request time off My time 仪表板 My time off My allocations 管理 Manage time off Manage allocations 招聘 设置 Job posting Recruitment process Send interview survey 发送短信 CV display CV digitization (OCR) 薪资套餐配置器 看板视图 Customize stages New stage Modify stage Edit stage form Delete stage 电子邮件模板 Job positions 创建一个新的输入类型。 Edit a new job position Create interview form Recruitment flow 新建 简历 Send interview Initial qualification First interview Second interview 合同提议 合同签署 Refuse applicant Add new applicants 快速添加 New applicant form Applicant section Job section Contract section Application Summary tab Skills tab Schedule interviews Recruitment team scheduled interviews New event pop-up window More options Send meeting to attendees Applicant scheduled interviews Modify stage 发送电子邮件 Schedule interview Offer job positions Contract proposal 可选字段 Send offer Configure your package Contract signed 创建员工 Refuse applicants Refuse reasons Create or modify refuse reasons Send refusal email View refused applicants Source analysis reporting Open report Source effectiveness report 媒介 Recruitment analysis Recruitment analysis report Pivot table view Use case: applicants with referrals Hired through referrals Time in stage analysis Time in stage analysis report Use case: comparing times by month Team performance reporting Open report Pivot table view Use case: recruiter performance over time 推荐 新员工培训 Modifying onboarding slides 必填字段 Modify friends 级别 Modify levels Level up Share job positions 查看职位 Refer friends Share a job 链接 Facebook X (formerly Twitter) 领英 发送邮件给朋友 Referral points My referrals 分数 奖励 Create rewards Redeem rewards 警报 创建一个新的员工卡。 Dismiss an alert 报告 Employees referral analysis report Use case: hired referrals 午餐 设置 库位 警报 供应商 Vendor information 可用性 订单 额外选项 Configure extras Add extras 产品 产品分类 订单 订购您的午餐 Placing orders Add products to an order Errors Your Order summary Submit an order Track an order Receive an order 我的订单 我的账户 Manage user accounts 现金流动 Add funds 控制账户 Lunch management 今日订单 Cancel orders Send orders Confirm orders Notify employees 控制供应商 Edit on GitHub