
一份 形式发票 是在货物交付之前提前发送的简化或估计的发票。它记录了货物的种类和数量,它们的价值以及其他重要信息,如重量和运输费用。

Pro-forma invoices are commonly used as preliminary invoices with a quotation. They are also used during importation for customs purposes. They differ from a normal invoice, in that they are not a demand (or request) for payment.


In order to utilize pro-forma invoices, the Pro-Forma Invoice feature must be activated.

To enable this feature, navigate to Sales app ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings, and in the Quotations & Orders section, click the checkbox next to Pro-Forma Invoice. Then, click Save to save all changes.


Send pro-forma invoice

启用 Pro-Forma Invoice 功能后,现在可以通过 Send Pro-Forma Invoice 按钮,在任何报价单或销售订单上发送预付款发票。



Pro-forma invoices can not be sent for a sales order or quotation if an invoice for a down payment has already been sent, or for a recurring subscription.

In either case, the Send Pro-Froma Invoice button does not appear.

However, pro-forma invoices can be sent for services, event registrations, courses, and/or new subscriptions. Pro-forma invoices are not limited to physical, consumable, or storable goods.

When the Send Pro-Forma Invoice button is clicked, a pop-up window appears, from which an email can be sent.

In the pop-up window, the Recipients field is auto-populated with the customer from the sales order or quotation. The Subject field and the body of the email can be modified, if necessary.

The pro-forma invoice is automatically added as an attachment to the email.

准备好后,点击 发送,Odoo会立即将带有附加的形式发票的电子邮件发送给客户。



要预览形式发票的样式,请在点击 发送 之前,点击电子邮件弹出窗口底部的 PDF。点击后,形式发票将立即下载。打开该 PDF 文件以查看(和审核)形式发票。
