

安装 🇵🇭 菲律宾 财务本地化包,以获取菲律宾本地化的所有默认会计功能,例如账户表、税收和BIR 2307报告。这些提供了一个基本模板,用于开始使用菲律宾会计。


  • When creating a new database and selecting the Philippines as a country, the fiscal localization module Philippines - Accounting is automatically installed.

  • If the module is installed in an existing company, the chart of accounts and taxes will not be replaced if there are already posted journal entries.

  • BIR 2307报告已安装,但扣缴税可能需要手动创建。


A minimum configuration default chart of accounts is installed, and the following types of taxes are installed and linked to the relevant account:

  • 增值税 12%

  • 免增值税

  • 预扣税款

For the withholding taxes (Configuration ‣ Taxes), there is an additional Philippines ATC field under the Philippines tab.



税务的ATC代码用于BIR 2307报告。如果手动创建了一项税务,必须添加其ATC代码。


当公司或个人(不属于公司)联系人位于菲律宾时,请在 税号 字段中填写其 纳税人识别号(TIN)


  • 名字

  • 中间名

  • 姓氏



对于 公司个人,TIN 应遵循 NNN-NNN-NNN-NNNNN 格式。分行代码应遵循 TIN 的最后几位数字,否则可以保留为 00000

BIR 2307 报告

BIR 2307 report data, also known as Certificate of Creditable Tax Withheld at Source, can be generated for purchase orders and vendor payments with the applicable withholding taxes.

要生成BIR 2307报告,请从列表视图中选择一个或多个供应商账单,并单击: 操作 ‣ 下载BIR 2307 XLS

选择多个供应商账单,并选择“下载BIR 2307 XLS”操作。



弹出一个窗口以查看选择,然后点击 生成

弹出菜单以生成BIR 2307 XLS文件。

这将生成名为 Form_2307.xls 的文件,其中列出了所有适用的代扣税的供应商账单行。

The process above can also be used for a single vendor payment if it is linked to one or more vendor bills with applied withholding taxes.


  • If no withholding tax is applied, then the XLS file will not generate records for those vendor bill lines.

  • When grouping payments for multiple bills, Odoo splits the payments based on the contact. From a payment, clicking Action ‣ Download BIR 2307 XLS generates a report that only includes vendor bills related to that contact.


Odoo cannot generate the BIR 2307 PDF report or DAT files directly. The generated Form_2307.xls file can be exported to an external tool to convert it to BIR DAT or PDF format.