
连接 Adyen 支付终端 可以为您的客户提供流畅的支付流程,简化您收银员的工作。


Adyen 仅适用于每年处理**超过** 1000 万**或每月开具**最少 1000 笔交易的企业。


首先,在 Adyen’s website 上创建您的 Adyen 账户。然后,按照终端屏幕上的步骤 连接您的终端。

生成 Adyen API 密钥

The Adyen API key is used to authenticate requests from your Adyen terminal. To generate an API key, go to your Adyen account ‣ Developers ‣ API credentials, and create new credentials or select existing ones. Click Generate an API key and save the key to paste it into the Odoo Adyen API key field at the payment method creation.

查找 Adyen 终端标识符

The Adyen Terminal Identifier is the terminal’s serial number, which is used to identify the hardware.

To find this number, go to your Adyen account ‣ Point of Sale ‣ Terminals, select the terminal to link with, and save its serial number to paste it into the Odoo Adyen Terminal Identifier field at the payment method creation.


For Odoo to know when a payment is made, you must configure the terminal Event URLs. To do so,

  1. Log in to Adyen’s website;

  2. Go to Adyen’s dashboard ‣ Point of Sale ‣ Terminals and select the connected terminal;

  3. From the terminal settings, click Integrations;

  4. Set the Switch to decrypted mode to edit this setting field as Decrypted;

  5. Click the pencil icon button and enter your server address, followed by /pos_adyen/notification in the Event URLs field;

  6. Click Save at the bottom of the screen to save changes.


Enable the payment terminal in the application settings and create the related payment method. Set the journal type as Bank and select Adyen in the Use a Payment Terminal field.

Finally, fill in the mandatory fields with your Adyen API key, Adyen Terminal Identifier, and Adyen Merchant Account.


创建了付款方式后,您可以在POS设置中选择它。要这样做,请转到:ref:POS' settings <configuration/settings>,点击:guilabel:Edit,然后在:guilabel:`Payments`部分下添加付款方式。


当处理付款时,选择 Adyen 作为付款方式。检查金额并点击 Send。一旦付款成功,状态将变为 Payment Successful


  • 在Odoo和支付终端之间出现连接问题时,通过点击 Force Done 强制支付,以便您可以验证订单。
  • 要取消付款请求,请点击 cancel