

可以为每个产品配置基于用于补充其库存的路线的重新订购规则。如果产品使用 购买 路线,则在触发重新订购规则时会创建询价单(RFQ)。如果产品使用 制造 路线,则会创建制造订单(MO)。无论选择的补充路线如何,都是如此。


In order to use reordering rules for a product, it must first be correctly configured. Begin by navigating to Inventory app ‣ Products ‣ Products, then select an existing product, or create a new one by clicking New.

On the product form, under the General Information tab, make sure that the Product Type is set to Storable Product. This is necessary because Odoo only tracks stock quantities for storable products, and this number is used to trigger reordering rules.


接下来,点击 库存 选项卡,并从 路线 部分选择一个或多个路线。这样做告诉 Odoo 使用哪个路线来补充产品。


如果使用 购买 路线重新订购产品,请确认产品名称下方的 可购买 复选框已启用。 这将使 采购 选项卡出现。点击 采购 选项卡,并指定至少一个供应商和他们销售该产品的价格,以便 Odoo 知道应从哪家公司购买该产品。


如果产品使用 制造 路线进行补货,它需要至少与一个物料清单(BoM)关联。这是必要的,因为Odoo只为具有 BoM 的产品创建制造订单。

If a BoM does not already exist for the product, select the Bill of Materials smart button at the top of the product form, then click New to configure a new BoM.



To create a new reordering rule, navigate to Inventory app ‣ Configuration ‣ Reordering Rules, then click New, and fill out the new line as follows:

  • 产品:由规则补充的产品。

  • 位置:产品存放的位置。

  • 最小数量: 可以预测而不触发规则的最小数量。当预测库存低于此数量时,将创建产品的补货订单。

  • 最大数量:库存补充的最大数量。

  • 多个数量:指定产品是否应以一定数量的批次补充(例如,产品可以以20个为一批进行补充)。

  • UoM: 重新订购产品时使用的计量单位。此值可以简单地是 Units 或者是用于重量、长度等的特定计量单位。



Reordering rules can also be created from each product form. To do so, navigate to Inventory app ‣ Products ‣ Products, then select a product. Click on Reordering Rules smart button ‣ New, then fill out the new line, as detailed above.



上述字段默认情况下不可用,必须通过选择 (slider) 图标在最右侧角落,并从下拉菜单中选择所需列来启用。


When stock falls below the reordering rule’s minimum, set the reordering rule’s trigger to automatic to automatically create purchase or manufacturing orders to replenish stock.

Alternatively, setting the reordering rule’s trigger to manual displays the product and forecasted stock on the replenishment dashboard, where the procurement manager can review the stock levels, lead times, and forecasted dates of arrival.




The Replenishment dashboard is accessible by going to Inventory app ‣ Operations ‣ Replenishment.

To enable the Trigger field, go to Inventory app ‣ Configuration ‣ Reordering Rules. Then, click the (slider) icon, located to the far-right of the column titles, and enable the Trigger option from the additional options drop-down menu that appears.

Enable the Trigger field by toggling it in the additional options menu.

Trigger 列中,选择 AutoManual。请参考下面的部分了解不同类型的重新订购规则。


Automatic reordering rules, enabled by setting the reordering rule’s Trigger field to Auto, generate purchase or manufacturing orders when:

  1. the scheduler runs, and the On Hand quantity is below the minimum

  2. 当销售订单确认后,将产品的*预测*数量降至最低



To manually trigger a reordering rule before the scheduler runs, ensure developer mode is enabled, and then select Inventory app ‣ Operations ‣ Run Scheduler. Then, select the green Run Scheduler button on the pop-up window that appears.

Be aware that this also triggers any other scheduled actions.


该产品,办公灯,已设置自动重新订购规则,当预测数量低于 最小数量5.00 时触发。由于当前 预测55.00,重新订购规则 被触发。


If the Buy route is selected, then an RFQ is generated. To view and manage RFQs, navigate to Purchase app ‣ Orders ‣ Requests for Quotation.

If the Manufacture route is selected, then an MO is generated. To view and manage MOs, navigate to Manufacturing app ‣ Operations ‣ Manufacturing Orders.

When no route is selected, Odoo selects the Route specified in the Inventory tab of the product form.


Manual reordering rules, configured by setting the reordering rule’s Trigger field to Manual, list a product on the replenishment dashboard when the forecasted quantity falls below a specified minimum. Products on this dashboard are called needs, because they are needed to fulfill upcoming sales orders, for which the forecasted quantity is not enough.

补货仪表板,通过导航到:menuselection:Inventory app --> Operations --> Replenishment,考虑销售订单截止日期、预测库存水平和供应商交货时间。仅在重新订购物品时显示需求**。


If the one-day window for ordering products is too short, skip to the visibility days section to make the need appear on the replenishment dashboard a specified number of days in advance.

Click the Order Once button on the replenishment dashboard to replenish stock.



Ensure lead times are understood before proceeding with this section.

When manual reordering rules are assigned to a product, visibility days make the product appear on the replenishment dashboard (Inventory app ‣ Operations ‣ Replenishment) a certain number of days in advance.





When the Visibility Days field of the reordering rule is set to zero, the product appears on the replenishment dashboard five days before the delivery date, which, in this case, is February twenty-seventh.


要在当前日期,二月二十日,看到补货仪表板上的产品,请将 可见天数 设置为 7.00


\[Visibility~days = Need~appears~date - Today's~date\]


Referring to the example above, today’s date is February twentieth, and the need for the product appears on February twenty-seventh.

(February 27 - February 20 = 7 days)

在这种情况下,错误地将 Visibility Days 设置为少于七天会导致需求 出现在补货仪表板上。


Preferred route

Odoo 允许在每个产品表单的 库存 选项卡下选择多个路线。例如,可以同时选择 购买制造,从而启用两种路线的功能。

Odoo also enables users to set a preferred route for a product’s reordering rule. This is the route that the rule defaults to if multiple are selected. To select a preferred route, begin by navigating to Inventory app ‣ Configuration ‣ Reordering Rules or Inventory app ‣ Operations ‣ Replenishment.

Click inside of the column on the row of a reordering rule, and a drop-down menu shows all available routes for that rule. Select one to set it as the preferred route.



如果一个产品启用了多个路线,但没有设置首选路线用于其重新订购规则,该产品将使用在产品表单的 库存 选项卡中首先列出的选择路线进行重新订购。