
Odoo Sign allows you to send, sign, and approve documents online, using electronic signatures.

An electronic signature shows a person’s agreement to the content of a document. Just like a handwritten signature, the electronic one represents a legal bounding by the terms of the signed document.

With Sign, you can upload any PDF file and add fields to it. These fields can be automatically filled in with the user’s details present in your database.


通过签名应用程序签署的文档在欧洲联盟和美国是有效的电子签名。它们还符合大多数国家的电子签名要求。Odoo 生成的电子签名的法律有效性取决于您所在国家的立法。在海外开展业务的公司还应考虑其他国家的电子签名法律。


The eIDAS regulation establishes the framework for electronic signatures in the 27 member states of the European Union. It distinguishes three types of electronic signatures:

  1. 简单电子签名

  2. 高级电子签名

  3. 合格的电子签名

Odoo 生成第一种类型的, 简单电子签名 ;这些签名在欧盟是合法有效的,正如 eIDAS 法规所规定的。


  1. 电子邮件和短信验证(如果启用)

  2. 通过itsme®进行强身份验证(仅适用于比利时和荷兰)

  3. 文档及其相关签名的时间戳、IP地址和地理位置可追溯的访问日志

  4. 文档可追溯性和不可篡改性(任何对已签署文档的更改都会被Odoo检测到,使用加密证明)


The ESIGN Act (Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act), at the interstate and international levels, and the UETA (Uniform Electronic Transactions Act), at the state level, provide the legal framework for electronic signatures. Note that Illinois and New York have not adopted the UETA, but similar acts instead.


  1. 签署者必须表现出明确的 签署意图 。例如,使用鼠标绘制签名可以显示出意图。签署者还必须有选择退出电子文件的选项。

  2. 签署人必须首先明示或暗示他们对 以电子方式进行业务活动的同意

  3. 签名必须明确归属。在Odoo中,签名中添加了元数据,例如签署者的IP地址,可以作为支持证据。

  4. 签名必须与签署的文档相关联,例如,通过保留详细记录来说明签名的捕获方式。

  5. 需要将电子签名的文件 保留和存储 ,所有相关方都需要这样做;例如,可以向签署者提供完全执行的副本或下载副本的可能性。



Send a document to sign

One-time signature

You can click Upload a PDF to sign from your dashboard for a one-time signature. Select your document, open it, and drag and drop the required fields in your document. You can modify the role assigned to a field by clicking on it and selecting the one you want.

When ready, click Send, and fill in the required fields. Once sent, your document remains available. Go to Documents ‣ All Documents to see your document and the status of the signatures.

Signature status


You can create document templates when you have to send the same document several times. From your dashboard, click Upload a PDF template. Select the document and add the required fields. You can modify the role of a field by clicking on it and selecting the one you want.

Click Template Properties to add Tags to your template, define a Signed Document Workspace, add Signed Document Tags, set a Redirect Link that will be available in the signature confirmation message received after the signature, or define Authorized Users if you want to restrict the use of your template to specific authorized users or groups.

Your templates are visible by default on your dashboard. You can click Send to quickly send a document template to a signer or Sign Now if you are ready to sign your document immediately.


You can create a template from a document that was previously sent. To do so, go to Documents ‣ All Documents. On the document you want to retrieve, click on ⋮, then Template. Click on ⋮ again, then Restore. Your document now appears on your dashboard next to your other templates.


Each field in a Sign document is related to a role corresponding to a specific person. When a document is being signed, the person assigned to the role must fill in their assigned fields and sign it.

角色可通过转到 签名 ‣ 配置 ‣ 角色 来获得。

It is possible to update existing roles or to create new roles by clicking on New. Choose a Role Name, add an Extra Authentication Step to confirm the identity of the signing person, and if the document can be reassigned to another contact, select Change Authorized for the role. A Color can also be chosen for the role. This color can help understand which roles are responsible for which field when configuring a template.


As the owner of a document, you may request an Extra Authentication Step through SMS verification or via Itsme® (available in Belgium and the Netherlands). Both authentication options require credits. If you do not have any credits left, the authentication steps will be skipped.


转到 签名 ‣ 配置 ‣ 角色。点击角色的 额外身份验证步骤 列,并选择 通过短信获取唯一代码


Before being able to send SMS Text Messages, you need to register your phone number. To do so, go to Sign ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings and click Buy credits under Authenticate by SMS.

Go to the document to sign, add the field for which the SMS verification is required, for example, the Signature field, and click Send. On the new page, select the customer and click Send.

The person signing the document fills in the Signature field, then Sign, and clicks Validate & Send Completed Document. A Final Validation page pops up where to add their phone number. One-time codes are sent by SMS.



  • 此功能默认已启用。

  • 一旦 额外认证步骤 适用于某个角色,该验证步骤将被要求应用于该角色所分配的任何字段。


Itsme® authentication can be used to allow signatories to provide their identity using itsme®. This feature is only available in Belgium and the Netherlands.

The feature can be enabled in Sign Settings and applies automatically to the Customer (identified with itsme®) role. To enable it for other roles, go to Sign ‣ Configuration ‣ Roles. Click in the Extra Authentication Step column for the role, and select Via itsme®.

Go to the document that needs to be signed and add the Signature field. Switch to any role configured to use the feature, and click Validate and Send.


Upon signing the document, the signer completes the Signature field and proceeds by clicking on Validate & Send Completed Document, triggering a Final verification page where authentication via itsme® is required.


Each time someone signs a document, a hash - a unique digital signature of the operation - is generated to ensure traceability, integrity, and inalterability. This process guarantees that any changes made after a signature is affixed can be easily detected, maintaining the document’s authenticity and security throughout its lifecycle.

A visual security frame displaying the beginning of the hash is added to the signatures. Internal users can hide or show it by turning the Frame option on or off when signing the document.

Adding the visual security frame to a signature.


Tags can be used to categorize and organize documents, allowing users to search for and filter documents based on specific criteria quickly.

You can manage tags by going to Configuration ‣ Tags. To create a tag, click New. On the new line, add the Tag Name and select a Color Index for your tag.

To apply a tag to a document, use the dropdown list available in your document.

Sign order

When a document needs to be signed by different parties, the signing order lets you control the order in which your recipients receive it for signature.

By going to Configuration ‣ Settings, you can Enable Signing Order. Each recipient receives the signature request notification only once the previous recipient has completed their action.

Add at least two Signature fields with different roles to your document. Click Send, go to the Options tab, and tick the Specify signing order box.

Add the signer’s Name or email information. You can decide on the Sign Order by typing 1 or 2 in the Sign Order column.

Field types

Fields are used in a document to indicate what information must be completed by the signers. You can add fields to your document simply by dragging and dropping them for the left column into your document.

Various field types can be used to sign documents (placeholder, autocompletion, etc.). By configuring your own field types, also known as signature item types, the signing process can be even faster for your customers, partners, and employees.

要创建和编辑字段类型,请转到 签名 ‣ 配置 ‣ 设置 ‣ 编辑字段类型

You can select an existing field by clicking on it, or you can Create a new one. First, edit the Field Name. Then, select a Field Type:

  • 签名: 用户被要求通过绘制、根据姓名生成自动签名或上传本地文件(通常是图像)来输入他们的签名。每个后续的 签名 字段类型都会重用在第一个字段中输入的数据。

  • Initial: users are asked to enter their initials, in a similar way to the Signature field.

  • Text: users enter text on a single line.

  • Multiline Text: users enter text on multiple lines.

  • 复选框:用户可以勾选一个框(例如,标记他们的批准或同意)。

  • Selection: users choose a single option from a variety of options.

设置 自动填充合作伙伴字段 用于在签名过程中自动填充字段。它使用签署文档的人的联系人(res.partner)模型上的一个字段的值。为此,请输入联系人模型字段的技术名称。





The size of the fields can also be changed by editing the Default Width and Default Height. Both sizes are defined as a percentage of the full page expressed as a decimal, with 1 equalling the full page’s width or height. By default, the width of new fields you create is set to 15% (0.150) of a full page’s width, while their height is set to 1.5% (0.015) of a full page’s height.

接下来,写一个 Tip。在签署过程中,提示将显示在用户屏幕左侧的箭头内,以帮助他们理解该步骤的内容(例如,“在这里签名”或“填写您的出生日期”)。您还可以使用 Placeholder 文本,在字段完成之前显示在字段内。
