Shipping cost invoicing

Invoicing customers for shipping after delivery ensures accurate charges based on real-time shipping factors like distance, weight, and method.


  1. Agree with the customer on a fixed cost and include it in the sale order.

  2. 将运费发票寄给客户,反映企业实际发生的费用


To set prices to delivery methods, go to Inventory app ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings. Under the Shipping section, enable the Delivery Methods feature. Then, click Save.

Enable the "Delivery Methods" feature in Settings.

Add shipping method

接下来,通过转到:menuselection:Inventory app --> Configuration --> Shipping Methods 并单击:guilabel:`Create`按钮来配置每种交付方式的价格。这样做会打开一个表单,提供有关运输提供商的详细信息,包括:

  • Shipping Method (required) the name of the delivery method (e.g. flat-rate shipping, same day delivery, etc.).

  • Provider (required): choose the delivery service, like FedEx, if using a third-party carrier Ensure the integration with the shipping carrier is properly installed and select the provider from the drop-down menu.

  • Company: if the shipping method should apply to a specific company, select it from the drop-down menu. Leave the field blank to apply the method to all companies.

  • Website: configure shipping methods for an e-commerce page. Select the applicable website from the drop-down menu, or leave it blank to apply the method to all web pages.

  • Delivery Product (required): the product listed on the sales order line as the delivery charge.

  • Free if order amount is above: checking this box enables free shipping if the customer spends above the specified amount.

Invoice cost on sales order

要在交付商品之前对销售订单进行运费开票,请转到 销售应用 并选择所需的销售订单。

On the sales order, click the Add Shipping button at the bottom-right corner.


Add a shipping method 弹出窗口中,在 Shipping Method 字段中选择所需的承运商。

Then, click the Get Rate button to the calculate shipping price based on real-time shipping data Odoo’s shipping carrier integration.

The Cost is automatically calculated using the weight of the items in the order. Finally, click the Add button to close the window.


在销售订单中,交付产品显示在 Order Lines 选项卡中, Unit Price 设置为在 Add a shipping method 弹出窗口中计算的运费。

Show delivery product on the sales order line.

Finally, after the product is delivered, click the Create invoice button, and an invoice is created that includes the shipping cost that was added earlier.


然后,点击 Create and View Invoice 按钮,将生成一张草稿 发票,其中包括运输费用在 Invoice Lines 标签中。


Invoice real shipping costs

要修改发票以反映实际运输成本,请按照上面的步骤 above 创建一个带有 Unit Price 为零的交付产品的发票。

然后,在草稿发票上,修改 Unit Price 以反映实际运费。最后,通过点击 Confirm 向客户开具调整后的运费。
