RST guidelines and cheat sheet


We strongly recommend reading the Content guidelines and main Documentation pages before contributing.

Follow the RST guidelines below when contributing to the documentation to help maintain consistency with the rest of the documentation and facilitate the review process for the team:

For hyperlinks:


Use specific formatting to improve clarity and readability. For example, apply Menu selection for menu paths, GUI element for other user interface elements, such as fields, buttons, and options, Note for notes, Example for examples, etc.


Add a blank line between different block elements, such as paragraphs, lists, and directives to ensure proper rendering and formatting.


Use only spaces (never tabs).

Use as many spaces at the beginning of an indented line as needed to align it with the first character of the markup in the line above. This usually implies three spaces, but you only need two for bulleted lists, for example.


The first : is below the i (three spaces):

.. image:: media/example.png
   :alt: example

The :titlesonly: and page references start below the t (three spaces):

.. toctree::


Continuation lines resume below the I’s of “Invoice” (two spaces):

- Invoice on ordered quantity: invoice the full order as soon as the sales order is confirmed.
- Invoice on delivered quantity: invoice on what was delivered even if it is a partial

100th-character limit

In RST, it is possible to break a line without forcing a line break on the rendered HTML. Make use of this feature to write lines of maximum 100 characters. It is not necessary to leave a trailing whitespace at the end of a line to separate words.


  • You can safely break a line on any space, even inside markups such as menuselection and doc.

  • Some external hyperlinks may exceed 100 characters, but leaving them on a single line is acceptable.


To register your seller account in Odoo, go to :menuselection:`Sales --> Configuration -->
Settings --> Amazon Connector --> Amazon Accounts` and click :guilabel:`Create`. You can find
the **Seller ID** under the link :guilabel:`Your Merchant Token`.


For each formatting line (e.g., ===), write as many symbols (=) as there are characters in the header.

The symbols used for the formatting are, in fact, not important. Only the order in which they are written matters, as it determines the size of the decorated heading. This means that you may encounter different heading formatting and in a different order, in which case you should follow the formatting in place in the document. In any other case, use the formatting shown below.

Heading size















Each document must have exactly one H1 heading.


Emphasis (italic)

To emphasize a part of the text. The text is rendered in italic.

Fill out the information before saving the form.

Fill out the information *before* saving the form.

Strong emphasis (bold)

To emphasize a part of the text. The text is rendered in bold.

A subdomain is a domain that is a part of another domain.

A **subdomain** is a domain that is a part of another domain.

Technical term (literal)

To write a technical term or a specific value to insert. The text is rendered in literal.

Insert the IP address of your printer, for example,

Insert the IP address of your printer, for example, ``.


Use the dfn markup to define a term.

The documentation is written in RST and needs to be built (converted to HTML) to display nicely.

The documentation is written in RST and needs to be built (:dfn:`converted to HTML`) to
display nicely.


Use the abbr markup to write a self-defining abbreviation that is displayed as a tooltip.

Odoo uses OCR and artificial intelligence technologies to recognize the content of the documents.

Odoo uses :abbr:`OCR (optical character recognition)` and artificial intelligence
technologies to recognize the content of the documents.

GUI element

Use the guilabel markup to identify any text of the interactive user interface (e.g., labels).

Update your credentials, then click on Save.

Update your credentials, then click on :guilabel:`Save`.


Avoid using the guilabel markup when referring to a concept or general term.


  • Good example:
    To create a credit note, go to Accounting ‣ Customers ‣ Invoices, open the invoice, and click Credit Note.
  • Bad example:
    To create a Credit Note, go to Accounting ‣ Customers ‣ Invoices, open the Invoice, and click Credit Note.


Use the file markup to indicate a file path or name.

Create redirections using the redirects.txt file found at the root of the repository.

Create redirections using the :file:`redirects.txt` file found at the root of the


Use the command markup to highlight a command.

Run the command make clean html to delete existing built files and build the documentation to HTML.

Run the command :command:`make clean html` to delete existing built files and build the
documentation to HTML.


Use the icon markup to add the class name of an icon. There are two icon sets used in Odoo: FontAwesome4 and Odoo UI. Follow the icon with its name as a GUI element in brackets as a descriptor.

The graph view is represented by the (area chart) icon. The pivot view is represented by the icon.

The graph view is represented by the :icon:`fa-area-chart` :guilabel:`(area chart)` icon.
The pivot view is represented by the :icon:`oi-view-pivot` icon.


Bulleted list

  • This is a bulleted list.

  • It has two items, the second item uses two lines.

- This is a bulleted list.
- It has two items, the second
  item uses two lines.

Numbered list

  1. This is a numbered list.

  2. Numbering is automatic.

#. This is a numbered list.
#. Numbering is automatic.
  1. Use this format to start the numbering with a number other than one.

  2. The numbering is automatic from there.

6. Use this format to start the numbering
   with a number other than one.
#. The numbering is automatic from there.


Prefer the use of autonumbered lists with #. instead of 1., 2., etc. for better code resilience.

Nested lists


  • Add a blank line before the nested elements in lists.

  • Indent nested lists properly, with sub-items aligned under their parent item.

  • This is the first item of a bulleted list.

    1. It has a nested numbered list

    2. with two items.

- This is the first item of a bulleted list.

  #. It has a nested numbered list
  #. with two items.

Custom anchors

Custom anchors follow the same syntax as external hyperlink aliases but without any URL. They allow referencing a specific part of a RST file by using the target as an anchor. When users click the reference, they are taken to the part of the documentation page where the target is defined.

The definition syntax is: .. _target:. There are two ways to reference them, both using the ref markup:

  1. :ref:`target` creates a hyperlink to the anchor with the heading defined below as label.

  2. :ref:`label <target>` creates a hyperlink to the anchor with the given label.


As targets are visible from the entire documentation when referenced with the ref markup, prefix the target name with the app/section name and the file name, separated by slashes, e.g., accounting/taxes/configuration.


  • Add custom anchors for all headings so they can be referenced from any documentation file or within Odoo using documentation links.

  • Notice that there is no _ at the end, contrary to what is done with external hyperlinks.

Please refer to the Hyperlinks section to learn more about relative links.

 .. _contributing/rst/hyperlinks-guidelines:


.. _contributing/rst/relative-links:

Use relative links for internal URLs

Please refer to the :ref:`<contributing/rst/hyperlinks-guidelines>` section to learn more
about :ref:`relative links <contributing/rst/relative-links>`.


The image markup allows inserting images in a document.

Create an invoice.
.. image:: rst_guidelines/create-invoice.png
   :alt: Create an invoice.


  • Images should generally be aligned to the left, which is the default behavior. Use the align parameter to change the alignment, e.g., :align: center.

  • Use the alt parameter to add ALT tags, e.g., :alt: Activating the developer mode in the Settings app.

  • Use the scale parameter to scale the image, e.g., :scale: 75%.

Alert blocks (admonitions)

See also

.. seealso::
- :doc:`Accounting documentation <../../../applications/finance/accounting>`
- :doc:`../../../applications/sales/sales/invoicing/proforma`
- `Google documentation on setting up Analytics for a website <>`_



Use this alert block to draw the reader’s attention and highlight important additional information.

.. note::
   Use this alert block to draw the reader's attention and highlight important additional information.



Use this alert block to inform the reader about a useful trick that requires an action.

.. tip::
   Use this alert block to inform the reader about a useful trick that requires an action.



Use this alert block to show an example.

.. example::
   Use this alert block to show an example.



Use this alert block to suggest an exercise to the reader.

.. exercise::
   Use this alert block to suggest an exercise to the reader.



Use this alert block to notify the reader about important information.

.. important::
   Use this alert block to notify the reader about important information.



Use this alert block to require the reader to proceed with caution with what is described in the warning.

.. warning::
   Use this alert block to require the reader to proceed with caution with what is described in the warning.



Use this alert block to bring the reader’s attention to a serious threat.

.. danger::
   Use this alert block to bring the reader's attention to a serious threat.



Customize this alert block with a Title of your choice.

.. admonition:: Title

   Customize this alert block with a **Title** of your choice.


List tables

List tables use two-level bulleted lists to convert data into a table. The first level represents the rows and the second level represents the columns.



Favorite color







.. list-table::
   :header-rows: 1
   :stub-columns: 1

   * - Name
     - Country
     - Favorite colour
   * - Raúl
     - Montenegro
     - Purple
   * - Mélanie
     - France
     - Turquoise

Grid tables

Grid tables represent the rendered table and are more visual to work with.



Available colours





Sleeves length

Long sleeves

Short sleeves

|                       | Shirts       | T-shirts      |
| **Available colours** | Purple       | Green         |
|                       +--------------+---------------+
|                       | Turquoise    | Orange        |
| **Sleeves length**    | Long sleeves | Short sleeves |


  • Use = instead of - to define header rows.

  • Remove - and | separators to merge cells.

  • Make use of this convenient table generator to build tables. Then, copy-paste the generated formatting into your document.

Code blocks

Use the code-block directive to show example code. Specify the language (e.g., python, xml, etc.) to format the code according to the language’s syntax rules.

def main():
    print("Hello world!")
.. code-block:: python

   def main():
       print("Hello world!")



.. spoiler:: Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything


Content tabs


The tabs markup may not work well in some situations. In particular:

Basic tabs

Basic tabs are useful to split the content into multiple options. The tabs markup is used to define sequence of tabs. Each tab is then defined with the tab markup followed by a label.

Content dedicated to Odoo Online users.

.. tabs::

   .. tab:: Odoo Online

      Content dedicated to Odoo Online users.

   .. tab::

      Alternative for users.

   .. tab:: On-premise

      Third version for On-premise users.

Nested tabs

Tabs can be nested inside one another.

The closest star to us.

.. tabs::

   .. tab:: Stars

      .. tabs::

         .. tab:: The Sun

            The closest star to us.

         .. tab:: Proxima Centauri

            The second closest star to us.

         .. tab:: Polaris

            The North Star.

   .. tab:: Moons

      .. tabs::

         .. tab:: The Moon

            Orbits the Earth.

         .. tab:: Titan

            Orbits Jupiter.

Group tabs

Group tabs are special tabs that synchronize based on a group label. The last selected group is remembered and automatically selected when the user returns to the page or visits another page with the tabs group. The group-tab markup is used to define group tabs.


int main(const int argc, const char **argv) {
    return 0;
.. tabs::

   .. group-tab:: C++


   .. group-tab:: Python


   .. group-tab:: Java


.. tabs::

   .. group-tab:: C++

      .. code-block:: c++

         int main(const int argc, const char **argv) {
             return 0;

   .. group-tab:: Python

      .. code-block:: python

         def main():

   .. group-tab:: Java

      .. code-block:: java

         class Main {
             public static void main(String[] args) {}

Code tabs

Use the code-tab markup to create code tabs, which are essentially group tabs that treat the tabs’ content as a code block. Specify the language to format the code according to the language’s syntax rules. If a label is set, it is used for grouping tabs instead of the language name.

#include <iostream>

int main() {
    std::cout << "Hello World";
    return 0;
.. tabs::

   .. code-tab:: c++ Hello C++

      #include <iostream>

      int main() {
          std::cout << "Hello World";
          return 0;

   .. code-tab:: python Hello Python

      print("Hello World")

   .. code-tab:: javascript Hello JavaScript

      console.log("Hello World");


.. cards::

   .. card:: Documentation
      :target: ../documentation
      :tag: Step-by-step guide

      Use this guide to acquire the tools and knowledge you need to write documentation.

   .. card:: Content guidelines
      :target: content_guidelines

      List of guidelines, tips, and tricks to help you create clear and effective content.

   .. card:: RST guidelines
      :target: rst_guidelines

      List of technical guidelines to observe when writing with reStructuredText.

Document metadata

Sphinx supports document-wide metadata markups that specify a behavior for the entire page. They must be placed between colons (:) at the top of the source file.




Make a toctree page accessible from the navigation menu.


Show the table of content on a page that has the show-content metadata markup.


Hide the “On this page” sidebar and use full page width for the content.


Exclude the document from search results.


Suppress the need to include the document in a toctree.


Show a dynamic side column that can be used to display interactive tutorials or code excerpts.
For example, see Accounting cheat sheet.


Link CSS files (comma-separated) to the file.


Link JS files (comma-separated) to the document.


Assign the specified classes to the <main/> element of the file.

Formatting tips

Break the line but not the paragraph

A first long line that you break in two -> here <- is rendered as a single line.
A second line that follows a line break.
| A first long line that you break in two
  -> here <- is rendered as a single line.
| A second line that follows a line break.

Escape markup symbols

Markup symbols escaped with backslashes (\) are rendered normally. For instance, this \*\*line of text\*\* with \*markup\* symbols is rendered as “this **line of text** with *markup* symbols”.

When it comes to backticks (`), which are used in many cases such as external hyperlinks, using backslashes for escaping is no longer an option because the outer backticks interpret enclosed backslashes and thus prevent them from escaping inner backticks. For instance, `\`this formatting\`` produces an [UNKNOWN NODE title_reference] error. Instead, ```this formatting``` should be used to produce the following result: `this formatting`.